Taimanin RPGX Daraku no Raigeki - Yukikaze Mizuki LIMITED EDITION

Apartala con: $1,600.00

Fecha de salida: 01/06/2026

Pidela antes del: 21/03/2025 o hasta agotar existencias


7,999.00 MXN

Piezas Limitadas

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Taimanin RPGX Daraku no Raigeki - Yukikaze Mizuki LIMITED EDITION will be released by AliceGlint!

Detalles del producto:

Materiales: ABS

Compañía: Aliceglint

Serie: Taimanin

Detalles: 1/7 scale. Bonus: Flustered face part. *Please only cast-off and remove parts at your own risk. Parts may be damaged during removal. This item will not be tested for ASTM or EN71 (CE). Approx H15cm.

Alto: 15 cm

Copyright: ©TAIMANIN